We’ve been recently reading more about nuclear power plants having problems renewing their licenses, so we decided share with you our tour of a nuclear power plant.
First you have to get past Homeland Security:Then you have to have your fingers scanned:
The amount of radiation on your body, and anything you bring in to the core area, has to be the same going in, and out, so it’s measured and recorded both going in, and out:
Security is tight, wherever you are:
This is the outside of the”Drywell,” which seals the reactor core:
You don’t want to swim in this pool. It’s the pool storing the spent fuel rods.
You don’t even want to walk past the red warning curtain.
You don’t even want to be in this area for over 3 minutes:The generators that take the steam from the nuclear reaction and turn the turbines that produce electricity:
And the control room looks like this:
We hope you enjoyed the tour given by this Boston based photographer.